I heard something this evening which I think is brilliant. I was talking with some friends about the subject of "praise." In our particular faith system - following Jesus - many of us believe that praise should anchor our communication with our God, which we call prayer. By praise we don't mean stroking God's ego. God doesn't need or seek any brown-nosing from us. Praise means acknowledging who and what God is, apart from any particular effect that has on us or anyone. It is to recognize the nature of a creating, loving, life-giving God, and to stand in awe of this God. It's a hard concept to grasp for Jesus-followers, much less to actually practice it.
One of my friends noted that there are times when he offers words of praise in prayer, but isn't really feeling in a praise-focused mood. There are times, he said, in which he mostly goes through the motions, kind of like covering a checklist. At such times, he noted, he feels it would be best just to offer God what's in his heart, good, bad or indifferent - simply and honestly sharing with God exactly what is at the center of our will, the center of our God given identity, the locus of our allegiances, and the pulse of our passions...exactly as we are.
It occurs to me that God seeks to inhabit our hearts. To offer the real state of our hearts to a God who seeks us unconditionally might be the most genuine praise of all. This may be what matters, over and above our mood, our feelings, our style of praise, or whatever.
Good thought. I'm always learning from fellow travellers on the journey. I'll see you around the next bend in the river.
Which Star Wars Character Am I?
May the Force Be with You!
10 years ago
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