Saturday, January 18, 2014

No Stonings or Riots - What A Pity!

During my devotional reading today I ran across the following.  It was written by Norman Shawchuck, co-editor with Reuben Job of several guidebooks for prayer.  I'll just let it land however it lands with you, without comment.  Especially see what kind of impact the last two sentences have:

"When Paul 'argued' in Thessalonica (see Acts 17 in the Bible), some believed and joined sides with him.  Others cast the city in an uproar and set out to do harm to Jason (Paul's host) when they could not find Paul.  

Wherever Paul and the others went people were divided - some accepted, some opposed Paul's preaching.  Is this not better than what we see today?  Virtually no preacher or teacher* can cause a riot by virtue of his or her preaching or teaching today; our words and our certainties are too banal and too bland.

When I consider my own teaching, I know I am safe.  No one comes into my classroom without already being convinced.  My students are 'on my side' from the beginning.  My only problem is to keep them awake and motivated to learn.

There are no stonings or riots in my classroom.  What a pity!"

        (A Guide to Prayer for All Who Seek God, Upper Room Books, 2006.  pp. 72-73.)

I'll see you around the next bend in the river.

* - Preachers or teachers in Western culture.  My note; not the author's.