Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Status vs. The Top Of Our Game

Sometimes we treat being a follower of Jesus as if it were some sort of certification. Like holding a master's degree or carrying a AAA Gold Card in our wallets, being a Christian is a classification we can carry that guarantees us certain perks. Once we have it, we have it. We then simply enjoy the benefits of it indefinitely with no real changes. I guess on some level this is true. God gives saving grace freely in Jesus the Christ. We see our need for grace, and we receive...done deal.

Yet, as I've said in many posts before, Jesus-following is really about a relationship, not a status. Relationships are not static. They grow or they wither. In some senses, being a Jesus-follower is like being an athlete. You have to work day to stay in shape. If you're in a team sport, you have to stay on top of your game, constantly improving in order to make your contribution to the team. Being a Jesus follower is like being a skilled dramatist. You don't just carry a certifying card in your wallet that says, "I'm an actor." You learn lines, studying blocking, practice, support the other cast members, and stretch yourself into new roles. In the same way, Jesus-followers must grow and stretch themselves all the time to keep the relationship vital.

Growing as a Christian has morphed way beyond the standard of attending worship and Sunday School. We could help each other by finding out what other Jesus-followers are doing to grow daily in their walk with Christ. So what are you doing? How are you deepening your relationship to the Lord and your connection with the Word? What are you doing to give and receive encouragement and accountability to others on the Jesus journey? How are you stretching your service and your sacrifice? Weigh in by responding to this post. Your response may be the very thing that encourages someone else to see following Jesus as more than just an impersonal label.

I'll see you around the next bend in the river.

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