Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Trusting God...Seriously?!?I'l

We who are Jesus-followers have our own jargon. Sometimes that's helpful. More often it becomes a communication barrier. One of the things you'll hear us say is, "Trust God." It's advice I've given myself, frequently. The problem is that my words don't always match my actions. I may say, "I trust God," but I really mean, "I trust God as long as he operates in ways that make sense to me, in ways that stay within my abilities and control, and in ways that don't make me uncomfortable." For heaven's sake, God, don't take me to the edge and beyond!

How many of us really trust God fully? How many of us would cling to God at an edge-of-the-Red-Sea-with-chariots-bearing-down-on-you moment? This weekend a friend and colleague shared with me this impacting thought from an unknown source: "We are never ask close to God as we are when we are at the edge of our abilities and trusting God to provide an enable us."

Trusting God. Great concept. A lot of us say it. How many of us do it?

I'll see you around the next bend in the river.

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