Monday, September 21, 2009

Not a Sitcom Ending

David, the son of Jesse, did not live a situation comedy life...a life in which problems come in a manageable sequence, are more amusing than serious, and are solved in some whimsical way before the credits roll. King Saul of Israel, who once thought the world of David, came to be jealous of David. Saul sunk into paranoia and forced David into a life as a rebel chieftain. During warfare between the armies of Israel and Philistine aggressors both Saul and Saul's son,
David's covenant blood-brother Jonathan died. David was plunged into unspeakable grief. Not a sitcom ending...

But David discovered something greater. As he expressed in Psalm 23, God is not found in maneuvering the circumstances of our lives in ways that we, in our limited thinking believe they should be. Singing of non-sitcom situations in existence, David expresses what God really offers in the middle of verse 4 of Psalm 23 - "...for you are with me. With us...God promises to be with us not just when life is like a sitcom, but even and especially when it is not.

God does not promise sitcom lives and sitcom solutions. God promises to be with us. That's what the Jesus person and the Jesus event are about. I'll see you around the next bend in the river.

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