In her comment on my second-to-the-last post, Annette raises a central issue. As Jesus followers strengthen and grow in their relationship with Jesus and in their discipleship, their social circles tend toward other Jesus followers. This makes sense, and it helps us to become the Jesus followers we were meant to be. However, we can end up with limited contact or relationship with those who are living far from God. How do we make the changes necessary to build relationships of faith sharing? How do we connect with and value people who have yet to meet Jesus in such a way that they trust us, they know unconditional commitment from us, and they feel heard by us?
First, most of us have people within our field of contacts already who are such individuals. The people could be co-workers, fellow students, neighbors, on-line contacts, family members, etc. It might be good for all of us to review our network of connections to see where existing relationships might grow to the point of faith-sharing.
Second, though, most Jesus followers need to expand their relationships beyond tight, church-bound circles. This will not happen by accident; it will take intentional effort. I don't mean that we walk up to total strangers and say, "Hello. My name is Geoff. I would like to start a relationship with you so that I can tell you about Jesus." That will be the fastest way to send people running! I do mean that we look for opportunities to connect with others, and we act on those opportunities. Bill Hybels, the lead pastor of Willow Creek Church in the Chicago area, suggests that such contacts might happen through our interests and activities. (Hybels has made such contacts through his children's sports and his own interest in sailing.) This step outside the conversational comfort zone has been a challenge for me. I'm basically an introvert. Many of my activities have become solo activities, such as running, reading, and fishing. So I've decided to look for ways to engage in connecting activities. I probably need to consider working out at our local YMCA some, instead of always exercising alone. I plan to spend time once a week at our local library. I've started spending a morning a week at a local popular restaurant. All these things will take time, as I'm fairly new to my community. I just pray that, over time, the Holy Spirit will lead me to the right connections, and I'll have the opportunity to get to know people, to listen to their stories and needs, and to be ready to lift up Jesus when the Spirit moves.
Hope this helps...Let's see who we meet around the next bend in the river.
Which Star Wars Character Am I?
May the Force Be with You!
10 years ago
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