Sunday, June 14, 2009

T-Minus One Hour to Sabbatical...And Counting

Tomorrow I begin a two month sabbatical time for rest and renewal, spiritual formation, and study and learning. This is part of the process known as the Healthy Church Initiative for our congregation, of which I've written in previous posts. It will be an interesting journey. I have to admit that work is my drug of choice. In spite of what I verbalize otherwise, it tends to be the way I measure my own value. It's important for me to reconnect with a sense of worth that I cannot accumulate or control, but which is determined and given by God alone. I am both apprehensive and eager about the days ahead.

During that time I will continue with blog entries, just observing what happens, what I experience, and, most important, how I see God at work. Posts likely will be somewhat haphazard, but will probably take place about once a week or so.

I hope you all are off to an awesome summer. I especially hope you live in expectation for what God is unfolding in and around you. I'll see you around the next bend in the river.


Anonymous said...

blessings for a rich and robust sabbatical!

Jeremy V. said...

Blessings on your sabbatical. Not sure where you are going, but enjoy your time. If you should find yourself on this side of the state, feel free to come on by and we can do lunch. Peace, Jeremy Vickers