Monday, February 23, 2009

Great Things for the Kingdom

I'm both jazzed and worn-out by a really powerful and challenging weekend in our church. We're going to spend from now until Palm Sunday (April 5) praying, fasting, and talking about very specific prescriptions we've been given, designed to make us as healthy and strong as possible in order to make new disciples.

Feeling really excited and hopeful, but without a lot of energy for the moment, I don't have much to post right now. I'll have more later in the week as I process all this. For this moment, I submit this thought. (Not originally from me...) Great things for the Kingdom of God happen when it doesn't matter who sees the result and it doesn't matter who gets the credit.

Nice stretch of the river right now. Rough rapids may be ahead, but the mainstream is headed in the right direction. I'll see you around the next bend in the river.

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