I witnessed a holy, awesome moment not an hour ago! First, you need to know that today (02.22.12) is a day regarded by many Jesus-followers as "Ash Wednesday." It is named such because many who follow Jesus will allow a small mark of dark ashes to be placed on their foreheads, which they will wear throughout the day. Ashes are an ancient symbol in the Jewish faith signifying two things - our mortality and our penitence. We recognize that God is God and we are not, and that we have put much distance between us and the heart of God. Ash Wednesday starts of Christian season of the year known as "Lent." (From an ancient word that means "Spring.") Lent is the 40+ day period of time when followers of Jesus prepare for facing Jesus' execution and Jesus' resurrection. At our church, one of the Ash Wednesday options is to come to our chapel early in the day for individual worship and to receive the ashes.
This morning one of our newest followers of Jesus came to experience Ash Wednesday for the very first time. She came with that uninformed eagerness that characterize people who are completely new to some of the practices of following Jesus. As she came forward to receive the ashes, she was a little nervous and said, "I don't know what to do?" That opened up a whole discussion about Ash Wednesday, Lent, and how this fits into walking daily with Jesus. Turns out she was on the Internet most of last evening trying to learn about this dimension of her new found faith.
That was a cool enough Kingdom moment by itself. Then, as she was leaving the chapel, two women were entering. These woman have walked with Jesus for years, have long been a part of the Body of Christ, and have had ashes placed on their foreheads for quite some time. They met the newcomer just outside the chapel, and had a long, energetic, engaging conversation. I heard one of the veterans say to the newbie, "We are just so glad to have you with us!"
I think of how our church has prayed and struggled like so many congregations in order to turn from inward focus and maintenance to outward focus and leading people into new life with Jesus. I am so humbled and honored to see instances like this happening all around me in these days. I can't think of a better way to start Lent!
For those of you who follow Jesus, I pray for a powerful Lenten season for you. Keep your eyes and hearts open for the people who don't have a clue about Jesus, much less about ashes and what the word "Lent" means. God is making holy moments happen everywhere!
I'll see you around the next bend in the river.
Which Star Wars Character Am I?
May the Force Be with You!
10 years ago
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