In some places gasoline is already nearing $5 per gallon. In our area, low by comparison it will hit $4 per gallon by May. It's a more complex issue than a simple mind like mine can tackle, but here are some thoughts.
First, as a culture, it's our own fault. Blame Big Oil, environmentalists, foreign oil, or anybody else, no one's hands are clean in this. We want convenience, we don't want to sacrifice, and we don't want to change. While computer technology leaps forward daily, internal combustion and auto technology have move at the speed of a dinosaur heading for extinction. We have the means for alternative fuel sources and alternative technologies, and we have all collaborated to stay addicted to fossil fuel. Let's just accept that, and start working together on a better direction.
First, the macro-level: We need to stop polarizing in our country and start collaborating. We must lessen our use of foreign oil. So, for a time, we're going to have to access domestic oil, deciding at the starting gate that we will do so in an environmentally friendly way. Then, we need to hold ourselves to a firm timeline, recognizing that our use of petroleum, foreign or domestic, must taper and stop. We must fast-track new transportation technologies and intentionally phase out fossil fuel use and/or the internal combustion engine itself. This is urgent; we must stop this selfish myopic habit of taking care of our generation only.
The micro-level: Our goal must no longer be to maintain our individual lifestyle. We must start sacrificing. For the general public, this is a necessity. For followers of Jesus, this is our DNA. High gas prices effect everybody, every business, and every aspect of life in these United States. We must do our part to minimize use. Limit driving, consolidate trips, carpool - you know the drill. Hard economic times pull the layers back on our real priorities. Our priorities need to be mutual and sacrificial, not individual and protective.
I have joined others in a commitment to sacrifice money in 2012 for Kingdom causes. Specifically I and others are setting aside $10 a week over and above what we already tithe. That's $520 at least for the year. As gas prices rise, it's going to be easy to think about dipping into that, and just going back to the tithe. We can't do it. I have to start walking, getting back on my bike, consolidating my trips to the larger community a half a mile north of us, etc.
I think I remember that the root of the word "crisis" has something to do with a decision point.
We're all there. I'll see you around the next bend in the river; and it will have to be a river that's pretty close!
Which Star Wars Character Am I?
May the Force Be with You!
10 years ago