How goes it with your heart?
I don't mean the organ that pumps blood through your body. And I don't mean the sentimental, emotional center of you.
I mean the core of who you are. Everything that makes you tick. The sum of what you love and what you fear. The essence of the you God designed. The center of what you believe, what you value, what brings you joy, what stirs your passion...that's your heart.
How goes it with your heart? Are you taking care of your heart?
"Well, sure, I guess...I go to church, I work out, I eat bran, I watch "Oprah," I listen to Kenny Chesney, I..."
No. Are you stopping the madness, pulling away, resting your frazzled mind, stepping away from the demands, and refueling your heart?
In my faith world we worship someone called Jesus. We believe he healed the sick, calmed the storms, raised the dead, and sent evil spirits running for cover. However, on a regular basis he pulled away from it all, and spent time with his God. He spent time taking care of his heart.
A heart filled to overflowing is better equipped to help care for other hearts.
So how goes it with your heart? I'll see you around the next bend in the river.
Which Star Wars Character Am I?
May the Force Be with You!
10 years ago
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