I've noticed a lot of hand-wringing among church folks lately. You get a bunch of pastors together and you can feel a palpable sense of dread. With the economy tanking and a financially nervous population, some church leaders are assuming that donations to churches will dry up some. Maybe we have some belt tightening days ahead.
On the other hand, you have some folks who assume that God does in fact work all things for good for those who love Him. Rather than seeing the present time as a crisis, some people see this as an episode of great opportunity. This is a chance, they say, for Jesus-followers to assess closely their priorities. When times are tight, how do our dollars indicate what we really believe and where are hearts really are? What will we sacrifice and where will we invest when push comes to shove? These folks note that the vitality of Christianity as a movement always spikes when some kind of pressure is on us, and, conversely, spiritual fervor tends to wane when circumstances are too comfortable?
So what do you think? Are we headed into the best of times or the worst of times in fulfilling our mission of growing disciples for Jesus?
We spent a gloriously beautiful day on the Current River on Friday. Whether in times of plenty or times that are lean, the river is always a testimony to the glory of the Creator.
Postings may be a little hit or miss for the next couple of weeks. My wife and I are going to spend some time with our kids before she has surgery on the 6th and is laid up for 4-6 weeks. At one time or another, I'll see you around the next bend in the river.
Which Star Wars Character Am I?
May the Force Be with You!
10 years ago
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