So, I'm on my second week of using a bicycle as my primary means of transportion to and from my office. It's not much of an impact on our fuel cost/energy sources/food distribution crises, I guess. Let's say that I average about six trips to and from work on the bike each week. At about four miles round trip, that would be about 24 miles a week. Assuming that gas gets to $4.00 an hour by Memorial Day weekend, I'd save about a gallon a week. If I use the bike through the relative mild weather months, or about 39 weeks of the year, that would be a saving of around $156.00, which is about what I paid for the bike. No big deal, right? Not much impact.
However, suppose I convinced 20 friends to find some way to cut back on gasoline use in their own lives, saving about the same amount of money a year. Between us, that would be $3120 routed away from the gas pump. Now, what if an entire community did this; a community of people a little larger than where I live now - 20,000 folks or so. Now we're talking $3,120,000. If just one community of that size from every state in the Union did that, we'd be at $156,000,000 not going into fuel consumption. That would be a hunk of change to keep away from the insanity which is fossil-fueled-based transportation and to put toward something of lasting importance.
Now here's the convicting rub...How many times have I passed up the opportunity to share my faith with someone or just to talk to someone, with the possibility of an introduction to Jesus? How often have I assumed that my attitude, my welcomeness or lack of it, my interest in a person's life or needs, or just my willingness to be present wouldn't really have any lasting impact? When have I passed up an opportunity for someone to see Christ in me, assuming that it really wouldn't make any difference anyway? Is it easier for me to pass by such opportunities, just as it's easier to go ahead and consume gasoline at any price, because I assume I really won't have any impact one way or another?
It might be something to think about. Then again, I might just like to ride a bike. I'll see you around the next bend.
Which Star Wars Character Am I?
May the Force Be with You!
10 years ago
What an impact this post has made! Pedaling with a purpose! You've given me something to think about and act on today. Thank you!
Just to let you know, out here in the holy city of wilmore gas is currently at $3.95 a gallon. Which means that not only will it be at $4.00 by Memorial Day there's all expectations we'll be over the $4.00 mark. And yes, I do plan on buying a bike here soon (though I don't know how often I'll ride it up the 16 miles to Lexington on our Kentucky roads (Kentucky drivers are crazy, especially around the small yet often bends in the road!!!))
I love it when people think "me + you + yours = WOW!" I was in the bike store this week and ran into another person who was purchasing a new bike for herself and daughter so they could begin biking instead driving for errands, etc.
I'm working on that one, like rcs545s, I live in a location of crazy drivers and roads without shoulders... sort of like reaching out to the least, the last and the lost! :)
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