Here's what leading people in new life with Jesus looks like:
Because of personal invitation, an individual with no church connection, whose feels the tug of turning God-ward, comes to worship. In the course of getting to know this individual, followers of Jesus discover a little bit about his life, his work, and the things that are important to him. He is an educator, with a passion for transforming young lives. He is concerned in particular for under-resourced children who start their public education pathway several steps behind children who happen to enter kindergarten with more resources and preparation available to them. From these conversations people begin to talk and pray and vision about how followers of Jesus could come alongside school systems and close that gap. A specific concept and vision for a ministry is born, and many church folks line up to provide hands on work, to provide funding, and to provide organization and resources. And new relationships are formed outside of the church walls through which Jesus may be experienced and known.
All because of one person welcomed into a worshipping gathering of Jesus-followers. This is happening right now in the congregation of which I am a part. Similar things are happening everywhere in congregations that are moving past just going through the motions of being "church," and are moving into the mainstream of God's heart for a lost and hurting world.
This is what a "win" for the Kingdom looks like. I'll see you around the next bend in the river.
Which Star Wars Character Am I?
May the Force Be with You!
10 years ago