Americans are nothing if not rushed. Hyper-busy, multi-tasking, bloated schedules - that's us. I don't know too many people who wouldn't welcome about six more hours in a day. Way too many of us say way to frequently, "I don't have enough time." That's our assumption; time is a scarce commodity.
No wonder we who are followers of Jesus don't "sabbath." From its roots in Hebrew faith, sabbath is not just about going to worship. Sabbath is about being reminded of that which really matters. Christian writer Barbara Troxell says the purpose of sabbath is three-fold. First, Sabbath is about resting in full awareness of the presence of God. Second, sabbath is, "a time of companionship, of renewal with others...keeping company with those who are dear to us and those with whom we reach out in hospitality." Finally, sabbath is about love and service; compassion for a wounded and weary world. All of this involves a different view of time than, "I don't have enough time!"
What would it be like if we flipped that view? What would it be like to abandon the presumption that there isn't enough time, and chose to believe that God has given us all the time we need to the three priorities of which we're reminded on sabbath: To focus on our relationship with God, to focus on our relationships with those closest to us, and to address our individual contribution toward leading people in new life with Jesus to which each of us has been called and for which each of us has been equipped? What would we do differently to reflect sabbath priorities. 24/7?
Consider the following as an example. The average American spends 25 hours a week in front of a television, computer screen, or portable electronic communication device. That's 54 full 24 hour days a year passively stimulated by electronic entertainment! What could you and I do for God, for those we love, and for the people God calls us to reach with 54 extra days?!? Let's see what one of those days would look like. Join me on Sunday, August 5, for UNPLUGGED SUNDAY. Do not turn on your television (yes, I know the Olympics are on!), stay off your computer, and have your cell phone on to receive calls only - no outgoing calls, except emergencies, and no texting, tweeting, or Facebook. You may have a few hours of detox to face! But be open to what the Holy Spirit does in your awareness of God, your opportunity to really be with those you love, and time to focus on what God has called you to do to connect to a world in need. You might just have all the time required and more.
I'll see you around the next bend in the river.
Which Star Wars Character Am I?
May the Force Be with You!
10 years ago