Helen Keller was a brilliant, passionate advocate for physically challenged people of all kinds. She herself was both blind and deaf, yet she had unrivaled impact on how we regard and treat one another. Here's a quote from this exceptional lady:
"I am only one, but I still am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. I will not refuse to do the something I can do."
Each of us must ask ourselves, "What is my something?" For followers of Jesus, we know that God has called and equipped each one of us to contribute to God's vision of changed lives and a transformed world. Do we each know our own something? Are we each pursuing it. As with Helen Keller, are we steadfastly refusing to let the world convince us that we should not be doing the something for which God has called and equipped us?
Which Star Wars Character Am I?
May the Force Be with You!
10 years ago